The magic of the internet lets me indulge my passion in finding new tunes to love, new artists to share. Whether it’s an old rocker with a new album, or an up and coming new artist, if I like it, I’ll share it on air. It’s not enough though to just play a bunch of songs I like. I try to weave songs together to tell a tale, to set a mood, spark feelings. In other words, I have fun putting together each show.
It has been a long road from spinning 45s for my high-school radio club to CKTZ, with many years of internet pirate radio in between. While “Keemo’s Eclectic Classics” had a similar format, it did not feature as much new material. Doing legit radio lets me pay back for my pirate ways by playing new acts, new stuff. Beyond my normal ambling search for new to me songs, I’ve added deliberate searches for Canadian acts, and in respect for the people’s whose lands we occupy, First Nations acts as well. My criteria always remains the same, a song has to move me. Cascades of notes making me smile, a soaring voice singing a sad song that hits home, stirs up my resentment of injustice, all the things music is supposed to do.
I hope you have as much fun listening to my show as I do making it.