The Invisible Doctrine is a special feature exclusively on CKTZ radio.  It’s a full text reading of the recent book The Invisible Doctrine: the secret history of neoliberalism and how it came to control your life, by George Monbiot and Peter Hutchison (Penguin UK 2024).  The authors and publisher have kindly granted permission for this one-time radio programme, which airs on Sunday mornings at 10AM with a repeat on Wednesday evenings at 9PM.  The first episode premieres on Sunday January 5th.
The book offers an accessible overview of the origins and development of neoliberalism… from Vienna in the 1930’s, when it was a fringe/extreme theoretical position — to its adoption and promotion by oligarchs and barons of industry in the 40’s and 50’s — to its triumphal installation as the economic orthodoxy of the “Western world” in the 1980s — and its largely unexamined and unchallenged dominance to this day.  The authors present a critique of neoliberal (“laissez-faire” or “Chicago school”) economics on several grounds, in 25 readable and concise chapters.
This radio reading covers either one or two unabridged chapters in each episode, averaging 15-17 minutes of spoken word content.  (As a bonus, the final episode will offer the surprising supporting testimony of an American plutocrat!)  The remainder of each half hour segment is devoted to music relevant to that chapter.
We regret that the terms of the use agreement with Penguin Random House Canada prohibit us from offering this feature in podcast form.  The book is available in audio format from the publisher, and hardcopies are for sale at Marnie’s Books.  This radio broadcast features De Clarke as primary reader, with a few AI voices from ElevenLabs used to highlight block quotes.